VIScon is coming up again soon!
From 11th to 13th of October we will take over the main building of the ETH for the 3-day hackathon and the symposium on Saturday, with lots of exciting talks. Take a look at our programme and see for yourself. You can find more information here. Of course, with an event of this size, we are dependent on the support of many helpers. If you would like to help, you can find the available shifts below.
IMPORTANT: It is possible to sign up for overlapping shifts as long as the overlap is 15 minutes or less (e.g. you can sign up for consecutive shifts of the same type). The shifts are planned for 2 hours and 15 mins. This includes 15 minutes for instructions and attendance checks, which you do not have to attend if you do 2 identical shifts in a row.
To show our appreciation for the helpers' services, the following rewards will be given:
- All helpers: helper shirt, food during the shift, free symposium entry and a helper goodie bag.
- 2+ shifts: Invitation to VIScon helper dinner
- 3+ shifts: 20 CHF Digitec/Galaxus voucher
- 4+ shifts: 30 CHF Digitec/Galaxus voucher
- 5+ shifts: a hug (you can get this on lower shifts if you ask nicely)
For clarification: The total budget voucher reward for 4+ shifts is 50CHF and not 30 CHF, as it includes all previous rewards. Just how 3+ and 2+ shifts include all previous rewards too.
Night shifts (22-24 o'clock) and Sunday shifts count as 2 shifts. If you can prove that you are unable to get home by public transport because of the shift times, we will pay all travel costs within Zürich.
Those who do sign up as helper do NOT have to register for the symposium on the VIScon website, but please use your ETH email for the sign up.
You can see more information, such as the meeting point, by clicking on the square to the right of the job, or by email. Please enter a valid email address so that we can contact you with further information about your shift.
In case of questions or uncertainties, please contact